Saturday, November 6, 2010

Autumn Series #7 - Trout & Salmon

Outdoor Hour Challenge - Autumn Series #7 - Trout and Salmon

We spent some time discussing and learning about trout and salmon before heading out on our field trip. We learned that all 5 of the main kinds of trout (rainbow, brook, brown, cutthroat and lake) can be found here in Utah. We do not have any Salmon fishing here, but we did read through the suggested coloring book link on the challenge (sorry- the link isn't working today ). We live near the Great Salt Lake, Utah Lake, various fisheries, and other fabulous fishing locations, however I wasn't brave enough to drive to so far (1+ hours in one direction) with my little kids. So we headed to Cabela's to see the fish tank. As far as we were able to decide there were salmon, trout, catfish, gar fish, and others.
A and N were fascinated by the fish with teeth and enjoyed watching their skirmishes with each other (male salmon and/or trout fighting?) .
I wish we had grabbed someone working in the fishing department to ask questions and learn more, but the little girls were, well, easily distracted. So its a goal for the next time we are there.

*Sorry for the poor picture quality - I forgot my camera and used my phone . . . and the fish and kids just wouldn't hold still!!*

1 comment:

Barb said...

This was a fabulous idea for learning more about fish up close. Brilliant! The participants of the OHC are so clever with coming up with ways to study the subjects each week.

I am really glad you were able to get up close to some trout and salmon. Thanks for sharing your post with the OHC.